Tricks, Treats, and Face Painting at Final Tiffin Seneca Farmers Market!
The very last market of the year is Saturday, October 23 and will feature Halloween festivities including trick-or-treat and face painting for kids, and all customers and vendors are encouraged to come in costume. Trick-or-treat will take place from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. (while supplies last). Most of the vendors will be participating and handing out candy. The Seneca County Common Ground Board will be voting on their favorite costume and their favorite handmade costume. The winner of each category will receive a prize.
In addition to trick-or-treat, Destination Seneca County and Seneca County Common Ground will be sponsoring face painting by Shining star Faces at the October 23 farmers market from 9-1 on Jefferson Street. “I am extremely excited to paint faces for trick-or-treaters at the farmers market. Getting to have fun with the community through the art of face painting is truly something that I enjoy,” stated Connie Maksemetz, owner of Shining Star Faces.
As the 2021 market season is coming to a close, the Seneca County Common Ground Board, market manager, and vendors thank the community for their support and are already thinking ahead to future markets next year. First- year Market Manager Kirsten Ameling said, “I’ve had a great time working with the vendors and interacting with customers throughout the 2021 market season. As the market manager, I am so grateful for the patience and guidance from the vendors this season and the continued support and cooperation from customers. Thanks to everyone who helped make the 2021 season successful. I look forward to see what will come in the 2022 season.”
Fall produce includes apples, beats, broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, cilantro, carrots, cauliflower, celery root, turnip, swiss chard, collards, fall squash, fall radish, fennel, kale, kalette, kohlrabi, leeks, lettuce, onion, parsley, potatoes, pumpkins, spinach, and sweet potatoes. You will also find fall flavored and themed cookies, fall scented candles and soaps, along with other fun fall favorites throughout the market.
The vendors for this week includes: Ada Glee’s Garden, Baked By Bells, Bella Cuisine, Buckeye Star Alpaca’s, Catawba Island Juice Co., Countryside Acres, Clay Hill Organic, Creative Pottery, Drowns Produce, DJ’s Honey, Enders Maple Treats, Flo’s Homemade Pies, Friends of the Tiffin Seneca Public Library, Goat Milk Lotion LLC, Kisler Farms, Hopes Landing, Me and the Boys, Project Noelle, Put Your Name on it, Raizen Girls Cookies, Riehm Produce Farm, Rose Leaf Flowers, the Tiffin Lions Club, The Tiffin 200 Club, and The Tiffin Elks.
To learn more about the Tiffin Seneca Farmers Market and about the Market Bank programs, visit and subscribe at www.tiffinsenecafarmersmarket.com/. If you are interested in becoming a vendor or have questions, you may contact the Market Manager, Kirsten Ameling, at manager@sccommonground.org.
About Seneca County Common Ground
Created in 2019, Seneca County Common Ground (SCCG) is a new organization whose mission is to strengthen Seneca County’s local food system through collaboration to improve the overall health and growth of our community, and a vision of a vibrant, accessible, and sustainable local food system in Seneca County that supports the health of residents, businesses and institutions. The board of the organization includes Seneca County OSU Extension Agent Hallie Williams, Reverend Aaron Gerlach of Old Trinity Episcopal Church, local business owner and chair of the Downtown Retailers Committee Dave Spridgeon, local business leader Dale Depew, TSEP Development Manager Audrey Flood, and local food vendors Kristy Buskirk of Clay Hill Farms and John Riehm of Riehm Produce Farm. SCCG oversees the operations of the Tiffin Seneca Farmers Market and supports other local food initiatives including the Tiffin Community Kitchen Project. Find out more at sccommonground.org or find Seneca County Common Ground on Facebook.